Oasis Corporate Housing Newsletter
July 2015
Meet Your Oasis Europe Account Managers

Wherever your travels may take you, Oasis is there to help you feel at home.

But you knew that already.

What you may not know if that we have a team of dedicated professionals situated around the globe, always ready to take the stress out of your travel adventures. You may have been in touch with these friendly folks in the past...but today we think it's time you got to know them a little better.

Jennie VazeilleHeading to France? Then you'll definitely be in touch with Jennie Vazeille (pronounced "VAZAY"), our Paris-based account manager. Jennie also oversees the entire European market for Oasis. What should you know about Jennie? In her own words...

"In my job I especially like the contact with the large number of clients and suppliers I have around the world. My hobbies are travelling, learning languages, discovering new places and people and keeping fit. I am British from London, speak 2 languages fluently (English and French) and have an intermediate level in two others (Spanish and German). I have worked in 5 different countries...I've traveled to numerous other countries around the world...I now live in France (nearly 8 years) ... and I work for an American-based company. I guess you could say I'm a global citizen!"

Ada LavnejevaAda Lavnejeva is our London-based account manager. If anyone knows how to find you the perfect home in the London area, it's Ada. She's spent her entire career doing what she does best...matching the ideal property with her clients' needs! Ada's travelled throughout the UK analyzing, identifying and securing properties that will surely become your dream home away from home. She'll also make sure that your stay is comfortable, enjoyable and stress-free.

Oh, and did you know that Ada is fluent in English, Estonian and Russian - while also brushing up on her knowledge of Spanish and French? Ada is looking forward to helping you get comfortable throughout your stay in London! (Psst...the next time you speak to Ada, be sure to ask her about her love of dancing, polo and traveling the world!)

Paulo FerreiraShould your travels take you to Luxembourg or its vicinity, Paulo Ferreira will soon become a trusted friend. Originally from Portugal, Paulo moved to Luxembourg in 1996 - and soon embarked on his real estate career. Today, Paulo's greatest satisfaction comes from making sure his clients feel right at home in a foreign country - a responsibility he takes very seriously. Paulo's up every morning at the crack of dawn planning out his day, and works until late in the evening to ensure his clients receive the service they deserve. When you call, Paulo will be happy to talk to you about the wide variety of housing options available - and also about his vegetable garden which he tends to in his spare time!

Stressed out about your travel plans? Relax. Now that you've gotten to know Ada, Jennie and Paulo, you'll be glad to have them on your side. Give them a call today!

This month's bank holidays around the world

August 3 - Civic Holiday

South Africa
August 9 - National Women's Day

August 10 - National Day

South Africa
August 11 - Public Holiday

August 17 - San Martin Day

United Kingdom
August 31 - Summer Bank Holiday

Connect with us!
Visit Our Web Site:
OasisCorporateHousing com

For inquiries related to Europe, please contact Jennie Vazeille at

or call
00 33 6 11 76 04 69

If you are interested in working with Oasis in other parts of the world, please contact Steve Frey at
+01 813 489 5144 or smf@oasiscorporatehousing

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